We are crowdfunding! Own shares in your very own comedy channel - reserve your shares here


What's it all about

Abducted? Out of the blue and out of the ordinary.

Written, directed, filmed & performed by William Morgan (Filmed at home during Level 5 Covid-19 Lockdown on the 1st Jan 2021)

Derek believes he was abducted by aliens. He believes they carried out experiments on his body. He believes they will return. He believes we are not alone. He believes they may have made him 'super smart'. Do you believe Derek?!

I challenged myself to be more creative and productive in 2021 so devised this short piece. Originally with a different title (but was sensibly told that it was a bit of a spoiler). The reaction when I posted it on my own Facebook page was very encouraging so i'm now hoping to expend it into a mini webseries of maybe 4-6 episodes. Currently in a Level 5 lockdown, so I'm the only available cast n' crew for now. (Although at least one of my kids is hoping to be in it too!)




1 Video

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William Morgan (Cast & Crew)

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